What is Jquery? Uses and reasons why Jquery is popular

What is jQuery and its purpose?

jQuery is a prominent JavaScript library widely used in web programming. It was created by John Resig in 2006 and has become an essential part of websites that utilize JavaScript. Compared to using plain JavaScript, jQuery has helped programmers save a lot of effort and time in the website design process.

Some popular jQuery modules include:

- Ajax: Handles Ajax processing.
- Effects: Provides support for handling animations.
- Attributes: Helps in manipulating HTML object attributes.
- Events: Focuses on handling event effects.
- Form: Supports handling events related to forms.
- DOM: Assists in manipulating the Document Object Model.
- Selector: Aids in traversing between HTML objects.

jQuery is not a separate programming language but operates by being linked with JavaScript. Through jQuery, users can accomplish many tasks and save significant effort. Additionally, jQuery provides APIs that assist in traversing HTML documents, handling events, performing animations, and simplifying AJAX operations. Furthermore, jQuery works well across various types of web browsers.

Other related concepts associated with jQuery:

What is Ajax in jQuery?

Ajax is a tool that allows the loading of data from a server without requiring a page reload. It utilizes the built-in XMLHTTPRequest functionality of web browsers to send requests to the server and process the data returned by the server.

jQuery helps provide methods to perform various Ajax functions. You can request text, HTML, JSON, and XML from the server using HTTP GET and POST protocols. Subsequently, you can directly incorporate this data into specific elements on the webpage.

What is Prop in jQuery?

In jQuery, Prop is used to retrieve or assign the value of a specified attribute. It returns the current value of the attribute. Prop also supports modifying individual attributes for HTML elements within the DOM tree.

What is JQuery UI?

JQuery UI is a type of library that is freely available and built on top of jQuery. This component allows users to create pre-built user interface elements such as datepickers, autocompletes, tabs, accordions, and more. To use jQuery UI, you just need to include the CSS and JavaScript files of jQuery UI on your page after including jQuery.

What are the important features of jQuery?

The important features of jQuery are:

1. Lightweight: jQuery is a very lightweight library with a size of only 19KB, making it accessible for all users.

2. Cross-platform compatibility: jQuery is compatible with multiple platforms, enabling automatic error handling and execution on various browsers such as Chrome, Safari, MS Edge, Android, iOS, and more.

3. Easy Ajax implementation: jQuery simplifies Ajax implementation as its code is written for Ajax. This allows for easy interaction with the server and updating content without page reloads.

4. DOM traversal and manipulation: jQuery provides easy selection of DOM elements for traversal, allowing users to modify their content using open-source Selector and Sizzle.

5. Animation effects: jQuery offers animation effects that can be applied to code lines, allowing users to add variables or content seamlessly.

6. Event handling: jQuery supports event methods and provides diverse event handling options without cluttering the HTML code.

What are the advantages of jQuery?

According to experts, jQuery possesses notable advantages, including:

1. Quick and scalable coding: jQuery enables fast and scalable code development.

2. Minimal code: jQuery allows users to achieve full functionality with minimal code, maximizing the ease of writing code.

3. Improved web development performance: jQuery aids in enhancing the performance of web programming.

4. Maximum browser compatibility: jQuery helps develop applications that are highly compatible with various browsers.

5. Utilization of the latest browser features: jQuery captures and utilizes the latest features of browsers.

6. Rich community and library support: jQuery has a vast community and library support, reducing the development time for applications.

7. Easy UI-related code: jQuery enables users to write code easily for UI-related functionalities, resulting in minimal code volume.

Guide on how to use jQuery

Currently, there are two basic ways to use jQuery:

1. Local installation: Users can download the jQuery library onto their computer and include it in the HTML code.
2. Using a CDN (Content Delivery Network): This method involves directly including the jQuery library in the HTML code from a Content Delivery Network.

Here are the specific details for these two approaches:

Local Installation of jQuery:

1. Download the latest version of jQuery from the website https://jquery.com/download/.
2. Place the jquery-2.1.3.min.js file into a directory within your website.
3. Then, it will provide the corresponding and appropriate result.

Using a CDN:

Users can include the jQuery library directly in the HTML code from a Content Delivery Network. In this case, Google and Microsoft will update it to the latest version. You can choose between the Google CDN or Microsoft CDN.

How to retrieve elements in HTML

Before jQuery was introduced, interacting with HTML elements using JavaScript was quite difficult and required programmers to combine complex code snippets. Therefore, developers can replace the aforementioned approach by using jQuery to simplify this process.

In pure JavaScript, if you want to retrieve an element in HTML, you need to use the syntax: document.getElementBy{Id I Class I Tagname}. This is a lengthy code snippet, so you can skip this step by using jQuery to retrieve an element in HTML using $(selector).

What are the events for jQuery elements?

jQuery encompasses various different terms, and below are the most important ones that you should be familiar with.

Tag ID
Tag Class
Functions in jQuery
jQuery Tag Name
Callback in jQuery
Closures in jQuery
Scope in jQuery
Parameters in jQuery
jQuery Context.

Among these:

jQuery Selectors: Used to select and perform operations on HTML elements. These are important elements in the jQuery library. With jQuery, you can choose or search for HTML elements based on classes, IDs, types, and more from the DOM. Each jQuery Selector can start with the character $.

jQuery Tag Name: Represents a pre-existing tag name in the DOM.

Tag ID: Represents tags with a specific ID that already exist in the DOM.
Tag Class: Represents a pre-existing tag with a specific class in the DOM.

Functions in jQuery: Named functions are typically defined as keywords. jQuery allows the use of many anonymous functions.

Callback: A callback is a pure JavaScript function and is passed as an optional parameter or method. Callbacks are called events that provide users with an opportunity to react to pre-activated states. Most callbacks will provide parameters or a context.


Above are the jQuery-related knowledge that we want to share with readers. Hopefully, from the information provided, you now have a clear understanding of what jQuery is and how to apply it to your website.
